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Good morning Year 6! I am so sorry - I realised last night that I had not put the home learning on the website yesterday. Huge apologies! Today's code for LBQ is:



Today, I would like you to continue with your work from our 'One Chance' booklet. Last time, you thought about what the positives and negatives would be if you got the thing you wished for. Today, I would like you to have a look at the following activities:


Activity 4 -   The Mirror of Despair - this activity is all about the things you fear coming true. Have a look at the poem, and then try writing your own.


Activity 5 - Read or listen to the story about a wish. Stop at the point it asks you to on page 8, and make a prediction. Then read to the end of the story and have a think about what you liked and didn't like about it.


Have a look at the video from White Rose and then try the work that goes with it. Good luck!

Year 6 - Week 9 - Lesson 2 - Area of triangles
