Term 6
This term, our class text is Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. After getting to know the story of Sunny the meerkat, we planned our own stories, including a new African destination for Sunny to travel to. We used story mountains to plan our new story. Then, we wrote our story, published it and read it out!
Reading out our stories

In Maths, we started off with position and direction. We were learning to tell our left and right, and used other language relating to position and direction. Next, we moved on to consolidating our knowledge of place value to 100. Recently, we have been learning about money. We discovered that the largest coins are not necessarily worth the most. We have been learning to recognise the coins and notes and we have been comparing amounts by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Position and direction: left and right

Giving directions using: left, right, forwards and backwards

In RE, we are learning about neighbours all over the world, and about how Jesus taught us to be a good neighbour to others. Later on in the term, we will have a faith day, based on Islam.
In Science, the children will be learning about animals. They will learn how to classify animals, based on their features. They will also learn about the diets of animals and be able to identify carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
In PE, the children have had the opportunity to participate in athletics activities this term. As inspiration, the children have been watching clips from the latest Diamond League events at the start of each PE lesson. They have been looking at the techniques of athletes who run, jump and throw and then using these techniques in their PE lessons. The children spent one lesson, challenging themselves to see how long they can run at a steady pace for. One lesson was focused on throwing the javelin and improving our throwing technique. Another lesson was on hurdles, and we have also spent time on sprinting. The children have learned the importance of warming up before engaging in exercise and are familiar with lots of warm-up drills. A lesson that the children especially asked for, after watching Diamond League clips, was a lesson on high jump. Mr Annakie helped us to set up some mats and a pole so we could try the high jump. We tried two different techniques and had lots of fun!

Our project this term is based on Africa. As the main character of our class text, Sunny the meerkat, is from the Kalahari desert, we will be learning about one of the countries the Kalahari desert is in: South Africa. We will be looking at the geographical features of South Africa and comparing it to the UK. Within our project learning, we will be focusing on patterns in Art. We will look at the work of famous artists and take inspiration from patterns in nature. In DT, we will be using our planning and construction skills to create a den to share with Sunny the meerkat.
Building dens

Trip to the zoo

10:10 trip to the park and science walk