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Term 1

Term 1

All About Me & We're Going on a Bear Hunt!


Term 1

This term, our topic is called 'All About Me' and 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We will be spending our first two weeks settling in, getting to know each other and exploring the indoor and outdoor learning environments. 

During weeks 3-8 this term, our learning  will be based around the three bear-themed stories: 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen & Helen Oxenbury, 'The Everywhere Bear' by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb, and 'Biscuit Bear' by Mini Grey.

We will be having a teddy bears picnic, baking biscuits and we will be introduced to our class bear. 


In maths, we will be matching and sorting, comparing amounts, size, mass and capacity and exploring pattern. In English, we will be learning to recognise rhyme, rhythm and alliteration,  recognise and write our own names, join in with repeated refrains, recall main events and practice sequencing events from stories.  At St Richard's we use the validated phonics programme 'Little Wandle'.  This term we will be learning phase 2 sounds and tricky words.  We will learn to recognise initial sounds in words and will begin to orally blend simple cvc words (consonant, vowel, consonant e.g. c-a-t, cat). We will also learn how to form some letter shapes, using letter formation rhymes to help us. Take a look at our medium term plan by pressing the bee icon above, for more information about our learning this term.

Our class texts this term...

In RE our key question is 'Why am I Precious?' We have been reflecting on how we are all different and unique, but we are all precious to our families, to each other and to God.

We have been learning some number rhymes to help us form our numbers correctly.

In science, we took our bears on a bear hunt through the long wavy grass, splishy splashy river, squelchy mud, and deep dark forest!

In maths we have been comparing length & height. We cut out our own family of bears, then stuck them in order from shortest to tallest.

In maths we have been sorting and matching objects according to size, colour and shape.

In phonics we have begun learning our phase 2 sounds. We are beginning to hear the initial sound in words and have had a go at sorting objects according to their initial sound.

We have been creating 'ABAB' (2-step) repeating patterns in a variety of ways in maths.

We learnt about recyling in science. We worked as a group to sort the rubbish into different groups according to the material it was made from. We learnt that when we recycle something, it is good for our planet as it doesn't end up in landfill and it can be turned into something new!

In PE, we have practised balancing carefully and jumping from different heights, ensuring that we land safely on two feet. We got some great action shots!

Some wonderful examples of our Christmas tree card designs

We baked our own biscuit bears! Lots of maths skills were used whilst we measured our ingredients, plus physical skills to scoop, mix and then roll out the dough. We discussed how by adding different ingredients, our mixture gradually changed colour and texture. We then discussed how heating the dough in the oven, changed it again! Lots of fabulous learning!

Then we decorated our biscuit bears! This activity helped to develop our fine motor skills. We had to squeeze the icing really hard and use it with control. We also used our pincer grasp to select the decorations we wanted and place them carefully onto our bears.
