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Term 4

Term 4- Mad About Minibeasts!

This term we will be basing our learning all around minibeasts! 

Our class texts will be 'What the Ladybird Heard' by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks, 'AAARRRGGHH Spider!' by Lydia Monks and 'Yucky Worms' by Vivian French. We will also be exploring lots of non-fiction texts about minibeasts, animals and habitats and we will enjoy the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. We will be observing seasonal changes that happen during spring time, building our own bug hotels, learning about life cycles and looking after our very own class caterpillars! We will also be planting and taking care of flowers in our garden and growing our own cress and magic beanstalks!

In maths, we will continue with addition work, using manipulatives. We will focus on number bonds to 10, comparing numbers and amounts, measuring objects and we will explore 3D shapes. 

In phonics this term, there will be no new graphemes/ phonemes or tricky words.  We will be revising our phase 3 sounds and working on blending and segmenting longer words and words with 'ing' 's' and 'es' endings. We will also be working on sequencing words to build sentences, blending to read sentences (and comprehension skills) and segmenting to write our own simple sentences, at first with dictation and then moving on to using our own ideas. We will continue to develop our letter formation, working on both lower case and upper case letters. 


Take a look at our medium term plan below, to find out more about our learning this term.

We had a very exciting visit from Kent Fire and Rescue!

Road Safety

We had a special visitor this term who came to teach us about road safety. We learnt the five important safety rules when crossing a road- to stop, look, listen, think and hold hands.

We are all brilliant at setting up for reflection time now. We have taken turns this term to say our own special prayers at the end of each reflection.

Funky Fingers! We have been working on our scissor skills.

Class Caterpillars

We have our very own class caterpillars! We are going to observe them closely to see how they grow and change. We have learnt about metamorphosis and the life cycle of a butterfly, ladybird and frog.

The daffodils we planted last term have grown! Castle Class are wonderful little gardeners and are learning how to take care of living things.

In maths we have been making our own number stories.

Map Work

We created our own map of St Richard's School using photographs. We then followed our map, using directional language to find different areas within the school. This was great fun!

In phonics we have been recapping all of our digraphs this term. We are now much more confident at blending and segmenting words with digraphs. Well done Castle Class!

Judaism Day- Rosh Hashanah

We learnt about Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. We learnt that Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of the world and is a time for asking for forgiveness of sins. Jewish people celebrate this special time by eating symbolic foods such as bread and apples, which are dipped into honey. The honey represents a 'sweet' new year ahead. We observed some close up photographs of bees and explored some real honeycomb from a bee hive. We tasted apples and bread dipped in honey and pomegranate. Pomegranates are traditionally eaten as it is believed that the 613 seeds inside represent the special rules (commandments) that every Jew should follow. We practised drawing bees in our busy time and made Rosh Hashanah cards to give to someone special. 

We have been looking after our class tadpoles and observing how they are changing.
