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Term 5

Term 5- Let's go on a Safari!

This term our work will be based all around Africa and animals! Our class texts will be 'The Leopard's Drum' by Jessica Souhami, 'Handa's Surprise' by Eileen Browne and 'Anna Hibiscus' Song' by Atinuke & Lauren Tobia. 


We will research where the continent of Africa is in the world, focusing on Ghana and Kenya. We will learn about the differences between Africa and the UK, focusing on the climate, how people live, what they wear and eat, and animal habitats. We will be making music and dancing, using African drums. We will be exploring and tasting the fruits from the story of Handa's surprise and making our own fruit kebabs. This term in art, we will be getting creative and making traditional African prints and masks and we will be creating our own African small world scene which we will use for our story telling and small world, imaginative play. We are also looking forward to developing our nature garden this term and will be busy planting flowers and veggies and creating bird feeders. 


In English, we will be doing some work based around poetry, using adjectives, following and writing instructions, and creating story maps, then writing our own simple stories. In maths, we will be learning about 3D shapes and doing some more work on our number bonds to 10. We will also be working on building numbers beyond 10, counting patterns beyond 10, addition, subtraction and matching, rotating and manipulating shapes. In RE, our units of work are called 'Good News' and 'Friends' and will be based around Pentecost and Reconciliation. 


Take a look at our medium term plan below, to find out more about our learning this term. 

We have been learning how to play the African djembe drums. We are getting good at following a rhythm now!

Caterpillar and tadpole update! Our caterpillars have now turned into butterlfies. We enjoyed observing them for a few days before setting them free. Our tadpoles are now much bigger and are beginning to grow tiny back legs!

We have been using bead strings in maths to make numbers 11-20.

We have used numicon in maths to make numbers 11-20.

We have been exploring 3D shapes, learning the names and properties of each shape. We have learnt lots of new mathematical language such as face, edge and vertice. We also explored whether or not they could roll.

We used numicon to find number bonds to 10. We explored which two pieces of numicon fit together to completely cover a 10 piece.

In RE we created windmills to represent the Holy Spirit.

Our Trip to St Paul's

We visited St Paul's Church. Fr. Jamie showed us around and taught us about everything that is used for celebrations and mass in church. Many of us remembered the correct vocabulary from our RE lessons such as 'font', 'pew' and 'alter'. Mrs O was very impressed!

We learnt how to keep our teeth healthy and clean.

In PE we performed an African animal dance with a partner.

Some examples of our amazing story writing based on our class text 'Handa's Surprise'.
