Term 2
After a fantastic start to Year 3 we are all very excited to start Term 2. Our topic question this term is 'Which was more impressive the Bronze Age or the Iron Age?' which carries on building our knowledge from last term where we looked at the Stone Age. We will be going on a class trip this term to Dover Museum where we have lots of brilliant activities planned to gain even more information about the technological advances throughout the Bronze and Iron ages.
In English we will begin the term looking at firework poems and writing our own poems using similes and onomatopoeia. Then moving on to a beautiful book called 'The Tear Thief' where we will be learning to retell the story and write our own version.
In Maths we will be continuing our work on addition and subtraction looking carefully at the column method and making numbers to 100. We will then we will be moving on to multiplication and division where we will be learning the 2,3,4 and 8 times tables and their related division facts.
RE this term will be focused around Advent/ Christmas and loving and our big question is 'Are visitors always welcome?'. We will be looking at how we prepare for visitors and how the season of advent is to await the coming of Jesus.