Term 3
This term, our class text is Paddington by Michael Bond. After the Christmas holiday, the children were excited to find Paddington in the classroom! We made predictions about why Paddington might be here. Luckily, he came with a book, so we could find out all about him! We started off by getting to know the story, making sure we were secure about what order the events in the story happen in. We also used drama to act out parts of the story.
Recently, the children came into school to find that Paddington had received a postcard from his Aunt Lucy. We then began to look at features of postcards and the children decided they would like to write a postcard home. We had great fun walking to the post box to post our postcards!
As part of our 10:10, we made cupcakes to eat with Paddington!
This term, we have been learning about place value to 20. We have discovered that two-digit numbers are made up of tens and ones and we have been representing numbers using manipulatives, such as Numicon and bead strings. We have also been identifying one more and one less.
Most recently, we have been learning to double numbers to 10. We began by using Numicon to create visual doubles of each number. We have also been using the game 'Hit the Button' on Top Marks Maths to practise our doubles.
Our focus in Project this term is 'What is our country like?' We have found out that we live in the UK and we have used maps and atlases to identify the UK. We will also be identifying and describing landmarks of the UK.
In Art, we are working on our drawing skills, using different drawing implements. So far, we have been evaluating famous portraits and self-portraits and we will be working up to producing a portrait of our own.
In DT, we will be making a moving picture of Paddington, using pushes and pulls.
Our first RE topic this term is 'Special Meals'. We started off the term by thinking about special and important meals we have had. The children identified Christmas Dinner as one of their most special meals. They also talked about birthday meals and weddings. We then learned about Jesus and the Last Supper, and how the Eucharist helps people to remember Jesus.