Speech and Language
Speech, Language and Communication development are important life skills. They are linked to learning, attainment, behaviour, social and emotional development as well as mental wellbeing. We are committed to supporting the speech, language and communication development of all our pupils. We are working in partnership with our NHS link speech & language therapist Lucy Adams as well as specialist teachers to continue to improve our practice and provision and help to ensure that all our children reach their potential. Your child may therefore come into contact with Lucy within their classroom or around school. If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication skills, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. We will then work together with you to agree next steps. You will be kept informed about any plans to support your child
Click on the following link for useful information on supporting speech skills.
Scroll halfway down for a video called Top Tips for Speech.
Please use the following link to provide some feedback on the information provided so the Speech and Language Team can gauge what is proving helpful.
St St Richard's we subscribe to the Speech and Language Link tools to screen and assess our children's speech and language needs. Every Reception child is screened to ensure any difficulties that may be developing are supported early. Please do speak to the Reception Team if you have any concerns about the early speech or language development of your child.
Please do access the Speechlink Parent Portal for advice, guidance, tips and videos. Click on the link below: