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Term 1 KCSP Times-table Rock Star Champions!

Poetry competition Year 3 and 4 Off by heart

4 Times Tables

This is the song we have been using to help us learn the four times table.

PE and Swimming

Year 4 have PE on a Wednesday morning. Please ensure PE Kits are in school, jewellery is left at home and all clothing is suitably labeled with your child's name. Long hair needs to be tied back.


Year 4 will be swimming every Thursday in Term 1.

Your child will need a suitable swimming costume, a towel, goggles if they wish and a bag large enough to hold their uniform and school shoes. Long hair will need to be tied back. As the term gets colder, please ensure your child brings a coat on Thursdays as they will be feel the cold after swimming.


Please see me if you have any questions.

Meet the teacher

Dear parents and carers,
I would like to invite you to 'meet the teacher' on Tuesday 19th September at 3pm. You will be welcome in to class where I will introduce myself officially and explain an overview for the year and expectations I have for the children. If you would like to attend, I would be more than happy to see you and I know your child would love to show you their classroom.
I look forward to meeting you,
Best wishes,
Mr Kinnear
