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South East Coast & London Paediatric Diabetes Network

Hospitals in London and SEC wish to inform the public that despite the Coronavirus situation, services are still ‘open for business’.


NHS services are very well equipped to look after patients safely if they are unwell. We know that in other regions there have been cases where parents didn’t contact health services until it was too late. It is important for all parents to know the signs and symptoms of undiagnosed Type 1 diabetes in children, which is a medical emergency.


If parents notice ANY of the key symptoms of Type 1 diabetes, they need to make an urgent GP appointment, or contact their Out of Hours service.


The main symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are called the 4 Ts:

THIRST (often all the time)

TOILET (needing to urinate more often)

TIREDNESS THINNER (losing weight) On the following page we have included a pre-prepared message which we would greatly appreciate all schools, both primary and secondary, to communicate urgently to parents.


Information about the signs and symptoms of all types of diabetes can be found here:
