Term 5
Our class text for the first half of this term is Emma Jane's Aeroplane buy Katie Haworth and Daniel Rieley. We will be exploring the text, then learning all about newspaper articles so we can write our own newspaper article about Emma Jane's adventure.
Identifying features of newspapers
At the beginning of Term 5, we continued on with our learning about Measure, by measuring capacity. Now, we have moved on to Multiplication and Division. We started by learning our 2s, 5s and 10s, using songs and by making patterns on hundred squares. We are also learning how to identify equal groups.
Making equal groups investigation
Our Project title for Term 5 is 'What Makes a Good Explorer?' Throughout the term, we will be learning about some famous explorers from history, where they explored and how they got there. We will also be assessing whether or not they were 'good' explorers. To begin with, though, we have started to learn about the world, as we need to know where explorers could go to explore!
In Geography, we have been leaning the 7 continents and the 5 oceans, using song. We have looked at atlases, maps and even a globe! One of the things we did was to put together a jigsaw puzzle of the world, making sure we got the continents in the correct places!
Continent Puzzles
In DT, we are learning all about building strong, stable structures. We evaluated some different houses, thinking about the materials they were made from and whether their features made for good homes. Our next step was to experiment with how to strengthen and stiffen a structure. The children were given some newspaper and they had to experiment with how they could build a tower that was both strong and tall! Some of the children worked out that by folding and rolling the newspaper, they could make a stronger structure. We then added card and straws to strengthen the structures. We evaluated the towers, by measuring them and by seeing whether we could knock them down by blowing on them.
In Art, we are learning about printing. We looked at famous artists who work in print and we found objects outside that we could use to print images with. Lighthouse Class have really enjoyed making a mono print by drawing onto an inked surface. The children used rollers to roll the ink out, then drew onto the inked tray. They then put paper on top of the inked surface and gently rubbed the paper to produce a print. The class were amazed at what they had created!