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Term 1

Welcome to Year 1!

We had an excellent first day in Lighthouse Class. There were some nerves (including from Miss Seager!) but we had such a lovely day and we are looking forward to our year of learning and growing together! Take a look at the photos below to see what we did on our first day!

Please see the document below for all the information that was given out at the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting. You can find information about PE and the school day there. Thank you.


In English, our class text is Skater Cielo by Rachel Katstaller. We will be tying this text in with our Project of 'Why is the Olympics the most popular sports event in the world?' We plan to write instructions and to write a biography.

Acting out the story, using stick puppets

Following instructions: learning to skateboard!


At the start of Term 1, our Maths topic is Place Value. This will include sorting, counting objects, identifying one more and one less, comparing numbers and using the number line. Take a look at some of our Maths learning below.

Sorting ourselves into different groups and sorting shapes.

Counting backwards

Comparing objects: greater than, less than and equal to


In Term 1, Lighthouse Class are learning all about the Olympic Games. Take a look at what we already know about the Olympic Games below!

Finding countries in an atlas

In Art, we have been developing our printing skills. So far, we have used different sized objects to print the Olympic rings!

Lighthouse Class were privileged to have a visit from Barry Watson, who ran the marathon in the 1976 Olympics. The children had prepared questions to ask him, and Barry had brought in his Olympic kit and specially-made running shoes to show the children. What an amazing experience!


In PE, we having been developing our football skills: passing, moving with the ball, defending and shooting.

Football fun!
