Term 2
Lighthouse Class returned after half term to find Paddington had arrived in the classroom! He came with a book and a suitcase containing a note saying 'Please look after this bear, thank you'. We will be using Paddington to help our learning this term and we will be writing letters and postcards.
Some of the children discovered that Paddington had been sent a postcard from Aunt Lucy! We will be using this postcard to help us with our learning about letter-writing.
Posting our postcards!
In Maths, we are continuing on with addition and subtraction. We will be using number lines, part-whole models and manipulatives, such as ten frames, cubes and Numicon. It is really important that we learn our number bonds to ten and within ten, so we will be practising these a lot.
Lighthouse Class will also be learning about shape and developing their knowledge of place value to 20 this term.
Identifying 3-D shapes
Sorting 3-D shapes
Sorting 2-D shapes
Making 2-D and 3-D shape patterns
In our Place Value unit this term, we have been learning that numbers are made from tens and ones. The children have spent a lot of time using manipulatives to explore making the numbers from 11 to 20.
Making 20!
In Project, we are learning all about toys and how toys have changed over the generations. We were lucky enough to be able to have a trip to Dover Museum for a toy workshop during week 1 of term! We got to handle artefacts from the past. Some of the toys were over 100 years old!
Look at our finished teddy bears!
Sorting toys from the past and present
Toys from the past afternoon
A huge thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who joined us for our 'Toys from the Past afternoon'. Lighthouse Class loved looking at, learning about and playing with toys and games from the past!
Making dolls
Lighthouse Class have been making rag dolls! We learned to use a running stitch and we had a go at plaiting! Look at the lovely dolls we have made!
This term, we have lots of different learning in RE. To begin with, Lighthouse Class spent some time learning about Hinduism, especially the festival of Diwali. The children watched a video of a child explaining how she and her family celebrate Diwali. They read and acted out the story of Diwali, and made lanterns as props for the story. The children also coloured in Rangoli patterns and made mehndi patterns. We also made some firework artwork.
In December, Lighthouse Class will be learning all about Advent and waiting.
Making Christingles
Making lanterns
Rangoli patterns
Mehndi patterns
The story of Diwali
Anti-bullying Week
During Anti-bullying Week, Lighthouse Class joined in with a BBC live lesson, where we learned all about being fair and treating everyone with respect. We joined in with making an acrostic poem all about showing respect. The children made their own anti-bullying posters.
Speak out, stay safe week
As part of 'Speak out, Stay safe Week', Lighthouse Class watched an NSPCC assembly. The children learned about their rights and identified their trusted adults at home and at school that they can speak to if they need help.