Design Technology
Remembrance DT Projects
For our Remembrance project this year, each class did a food and nutrition-based project. For most classes, this involved cooking using a war time recipe. Read on to find out what each class created!
Year 6 made carrot cookies, using a rationing recipe from the National Trust.
Jubilee DT Project
In Term 6, St Richard's held Design and Technology competition to design a throne. Children could use any materials and joining techniques they wanted to, and we celebrated what the children had made during celebration assembly on 10th June. It was amazing to see the different materials the children had used to construct their thrones, such as wooden pegs, lolly sticks, cardboard, wood and Lego. We were also very impressed with the moving parts and sewing involved in the construction of the thrones too. Joining techniques used included tape, glue and using nails. Well done to everyone who participated - you all made such creative thrones! And a special well done to the winners: Alyanna, Gabby and Sare!
Progression of Skills Document
Year 1 DT
In Term 1, Year 1 thought about how Mr Grinling could keep a sandwich safe from pesky seagulls. They planned how to make a reusable sandwich wrap and then made the sandwich wrap. The children made their own sandwiches and then had a picnic!
In Term 2, Year 1 designed and made scarves to keep the snowman warm! First, the children learned about weaving and then they felted the wool, weaving the different layers together.
In Term 3, Lighthouse class learned how to make a moving picture, using levers, push and pull. The children made a moving picture of Paddington causing chaos in London!
In Term 4, Year 1 learned about wheels and axles and designed and built their own moon buggies to help Bob with his work on the moon!
In Term 5, Year 1 designed and built landmarks for Emma Jane, the main character from our class book, to visit. Can you spot the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament and Dover Castle?
Year 2 DT
Year 2 made moving Christmas cards!
Year 2 designed and created their own polar landscapes!
Here are some of Year 2's fabulous moving Easter cards!
Year 4 DT
In Term 3, Year 4 made their own papyrus as part of their Project.