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Term 4


In Term 4, we are continuing our writing non-chronological report based on the book 'The boy who biked the world'. We will then extend our knowledge of narrative writing by focusing on a first person perspective. We will be developing our description of a setting detail and building atmosphere through precise selection of vocabulary. We will then finish the term off with writing a letter based on what we have read.




This term we will continue looking at measure of length and height including perimeter. We will then move on to fractions where the children will learn to find equivalent fractions  and order fractions on a number line. After this, we will move on to mass and capacity, using kilograms, grams, milliliters and liters.


Project (Geography)


This term, we are aiming to improve our locational knowledge through identifying the position and significance of latitude, longitude, the Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones (including day and night). We will practice geographical skills through using maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate features studied and use the eight points of the compass to build their knowledge of the wider world.



This term Our first topic is Eucharist - Relating.

Our learning outcomes are: 

-To know and understand listening and sharing with one another.

- To Listen to the word of God and share in Holy Communion.

- Acquire the skills of assimilation, celebration and application of the above. 


Our second Topic is Lent/ Easter - Giving.

Our learning outcomes are:

- To know and understand how people give themselves

- Lent, a time to remember Jesus' total giving

- Acquire the skills of assimilation, celebration and application of the above.

