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Redoubt Class

SAMSARA - the Hindu cycle of rebirth and reincarnation

We started our learning with the question: Why should you be a good person? We had an interesting discussion about the things we know that link our school values to the wider world, and also sayings such as "Do as you would be done by" and "treat others how you would like to be treated". 


Hindus believe in Samsara, a continuous cycle in which the soul is reborn over and over again according to the law of Karma. At death, many Hindu’s believe the atman (soul) is reincarnated into a new physical body which can be a human or non-human form (an animal or divine being). Hindus are trying to achieve Moksha - being one with god. When they achieve Moksha (by living a good life and building good karma), their atman (soul) is free from the material world to be in the world of spiritual enlightenment. 


Year 6 learned about this cycle and represented it in a diagram to show their understanding.
