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Term 3

Term 3 - Why did Samuel Pepys bury his cheese? (The Great fire of London)


Our learning this term is all about the Great fire of London that happened in 1666! We shall be exploring what started the fire, how it was resolved, how it affected London and comparing the past to the present day. We shall be using an amazing book in English this term to explore the fire. We shall (hopefully) also be looking at a modern bakery vs a bakery during the 17th Century.


In RE, our topics this term are:

  • Local Church - Community with the theme on special Books used in Church and Mass
  • Eucharist - Relating and the theme of giving thanks.


In Maths, our learning this term focuses on Money and Multiplication and Division. We shall be learning how to count in pounds and pence, as well as be able to compare amounts of money and make money of an amount using notes and coins. For our multiplication and division topic, we shall be staring to look at sharing and grouping with objects, then with numbers.


In Science, we are learning about Everyday materials and their uses! We shall be looking at the properties of materials and conducting experiments such as 'Can solid materials change their shape?'. 


In Art, we shall be creating a landscape drawing of the Great Fire of london, using chalk pastels and blending techniques.


In English, we shall be writing a newspaper report all about the Great Fire of London! We shall be exploring using captions, indirect and direct speech, and using amazing adjectives to describe in detail. We shall also be writing a diary entry from Samuel Pepys point of view! 

