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Term 1


In Term 1, we are starting off with a vocabulary-developing project based on 'The Word Collector' by Peter H Reynolds. So far, we have begun to collect our own words and look into why words are interesting. This has led to finding the definition of words and learning to use a dictionary. We have already found meanings to new words like: motif, candid torrential. We are looking forward to more learning based on this book!


Further into the term, we will be reading 'Stone Age Boy' and 'Ug: Boy Genius' and basing our writing on these texts, as our history project this term is based on Stone Age. We will be exploring the features of narrative writing and instructional writing with specific skills identified.




Our first topic in Maths this year is Place Value up to 1000. We are starting off the term by building our understanding of number representation and how the same number can be built by using different amounts. This will lead onto counting in 100s, 50s and creating opportunities to learn to count in multiples of 3. 


Project (History)


This term, our project title is 'What was new about the New Stone Age?' This is a great project, and gives us the opportunity to begin developing our knowledge of history for us in Britain. We will be connecting our learning with our class texts, especially 'Ug: Boy Genius'. In DT, we will be designing and building our own Stone Henge. In Art, we will be using a variety of drawing equipment to create our own cave paintings.




This term, our first RE topic is Domestic Church and Family. Later on in the term, we will be learning about Baptism.
