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In Year Admissions

Visiting the school


We strongly advice all parents to visit the school before applying. You are welcome to contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time by making an appointment via the school office to meet with our Academy Principal. Once a place has been offered and accepted, you and your child will be invited to visit the school on several occasions to help integrate your child and ensure that their first day goes smoothly.

In Year Applications 


If you would like to apply to St Richard's School for an In-Year-Admission, you must complete the IYAF Form below and return to the school office with our Supplementary Information Form (SIF).  


Parents will be notified of the outcome of their application in writing within 15 school days although we will always aim to notify parents within 10 school days.


At St Richard's, we maintain a clear, fair, and objective waiting list in line with our oversubscription criteria for that year.   If we are unable to offer your child a place at the time of application, we will offer to hold your details on our wait list for any future spaces that become available.     We will hold a copy of your In-Year-Admission form and Supplementary Form in order that each child is ranked in line with the published oversubscription criteria.


Where more than one child is on the wait list against the same criteria, we will always obtain accurate distance information from Kent County Council to ensure fairness.


The oversubscription criteria summary for September 2023- July 2024 is :-


  1. Looked after Catholic children or looked after children in the care of Catholic families, previously looked after Catholic children who have been adopted or who become the subject of a residence or guardianship order, and Catholic children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.  A copy of the baptismal certificate or evidence of reception into the Catholic Church must accompany the Supplementary Information Form (SIF).  

  2. Baptised Catholic children. A copy of the baptismal certificate or evidence of reception into the Catholic Church must accompany the Supplementary Information Form (SIF). 

  3. Other looked after children,  previously looked after children who have been adopted or who have become the subject of a residence or guardianship order, and children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. 

  4. Children who will have siblings at the school at the date of entry.

  5. Children of staff.

  6. Children enrolled in the catechumenate and children whose families are members of other Christian denominations.

  7. Children of other faiths. 

  8. Other children.


Full explanation of the terms for the above can be found in our prospectus and in our Admissions Policy for this year.


Please follow the PDF links below to complete the necessary forms.  
