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Severe Weather

“Schools should, wherever possible, stay open in severe weather. They play a key role in their communities and by staying open help both their pupils and parents.” Department for Education.


Every winter brings the possibility of snow and ice. Extreme weather can cause widespread and prolonged disruption. Schools are often affected and it can be difficult to maintain an education service.



We recognise that it is important that our school remains open so parents are able to work, and pupils can continue to learn. In the event of adverse weather, i.e. snow, the school will make every effort to remain open.


The decision to close will be made by the Head teacher. School will only be closed of one or more of the following conditions apply:

  • There are not sufficient numbers of staff to come in and keep the school running safely
  • Conditions on site are dangerous
  • Conditions are considered to be, or are anticipated to be, to hazardous to travel



Pupil Attendance

If the school is deemed open, then there is a broad expectation that pupils should attend school.

The school recognises that there may be cases where families are unable to attend school due to the particular difficulties of the area in which they live. In such cases, parents should inform the school of these circumstances using the normal absence procedures. The Head teacher retains authority to authorise such absences.



Procedure for Closure

The Head teacher will decide whether the school will open taking into account the conditions at the school and the ability of staff to get there.

In the eventuality of a ‘closure’, the school will remain open for children of critical workers as a childcare provision where possible. This will be staffed by members of staff who live within 1 mile of the school.

Once this decision has been made, we will notify parents via Parent App, the school website and the Kent Closures website (



Kent Closure Website

To determine whether St Richard’s Catholic Primary School is open or closed please visit Search for the school in the search box. The Kent Closures website can also be used to find out if other services in Kent are open or closed, such as nurseries, children’s centres and libraries. We also recommend parents sign up for SMS/email alerts on the Kent Closures website. This service will send an SMS or email alert to let parents know if St Richard’s Catholic Primary School is closed. Parents can also listen to KMFM, BBC Radio Kent or Heart FM to hear if the school has closed.



Closure during the School Day

If there is adverse weather during the school day, the Head teacher will decide whether or not it is necessary to close the school.

The school office will contact parents via ParentApp and ask that they collect their children as soon as possible.

Staff members that live furthest away from school will be permitted to leave at the earliest opportunity.

Staff who live within walking distance of the school will remain in school until all children have been collected. A first-aider and a member of the Safeguarding Team will remain on site.



Educational Provision

Given the fact that most decisions about closure related to adverse weather are made at short notice, it will not be possible to provide an effective remote learning provision in these circumstances. Children should engage in Reading, Times Table Rock Stars, spellings and with the termly homework grids that are sent home at the beginning of each term (these can also be found on the class pages of the school website).

With enough notice, i.e. the prior working day, activities will be set by the class teacher and made available for families who wish to complete these.



What can parents do to help?

Don’t forget suitable warm clothing for your children – gloves, hats, scarves, wellies etc. or even a change of clothing.

Create a pack lunch for them in case we cannot provide a meal at the school.

If you are a working parent or feel you may have a problem with a sudden earlier pick up, please could you put a back-up plan in place with another family member or parent and inform the school. This will allow staff to leave earlier for their safety if weather dictates.


Many thanks for your support in helping St Richard’s Catholic Primary School remain open during periods of extreme weather.

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