Late/Absence Procedures

Late arrival
If your child is going to be late for school please call the office as soon as possible to let us know. Late arrival is recorded on your children's attendance record.
If your child is absent
As a school, we are aware of the impact that absences can have on children’s educational and social/emotional progress. We encourage all parents and carers to ensure that their children attend school every day. We are concerned to know that our children are safe at all times. Therefore if your child is absent from school we would ask you to contact the office as soon as possible. If your child's absence was due to a medical reason, you may be requested to produce written evidence from a medical professional. Should you need to collect your child during school time please let us know beforehand. If a child regularly complains of feeling unwell and not wanting to come to school, other worries may be the cause, please do discuss these with us as a matter of urgency.
Exceptional Leave
It is important not to interrupt your child’s education. Therefore, the school will not authorise holidays during term time. Please avoid booking holidays in term time. In exceptional circumstances, if you need to take your child out of school, please contact the office for the relevant form. This request will then be considered.