Term 2
Term 2 - Pole(ar) Opposites - North Pole or South Pole?
Our learning this term is all about the North Pole, South Pole, and a little bit about the Equator! We shall be looking at the similarities and differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic, as well as join some penguins on amazing adventures with our English texts this term! We also will be performing a Nativity this term - please look forward to future updates!
In geography we shall be researching all about the Arctic, Antarctic and the Equator. We shall be looking at the climate, habitats and animals of these places, and where they are in relation to the Earth.
In RE, our topics this term are:
- Baptism/confirmation and the theme of belonging - exploring signs and symbols of baptism.
- Advent/Christmas and the theme of love and waiting for something special.
In Maths, our learning this term focuses on Addition and Subtraction and Shapes. We will be focusing on recognising numbers up to 100 numerically and in words, partitioning numbers up to 100, addition and subtraction with 1 and 2-digit numbers and addition and subtraction within 10 and across 10. We shall also be looking at 2D and 3D shapes, recognising how we can describe shapes using vocabulary such as faces, vertices, edges and lines of symmetry.
In Science, we are learning about Animals including Humans - all about staying healthy and exercise. We will be learning about what animals need to survive, and how animals are similar to humans in a sense of what they need to survive!
In Art, we shall be experimenting with warm/cool colours, adding tones and shades, and creating a watercolour piece on either the Arctic, Antarctic or the Equator.
In English, we will start with creating a lost poster, using our book 'The Runaway Iceberg'!. We will also be writing a diary entry (or two!) as if we were Jonty on his adventure from the zoo to all across the world using 'Jonty Gentoo: The Adventures of a Penguin'