Term 4
Our class text this term is Man on the Moon (a day in the life of Bob), by Simon Bartram. We have been getting to know the story by acting out parts of it and making stick puppets. We have also put the story in chronological order and re-written parts of the story. This term, we will be putting ourselves into Bob's shoes and writing a diary of our exciting day of work on the Moon!
As Lighthouse Class has been enjoying listening to a variety of poems recently, we decided to write our own poems! We read Cats Sleep by Eleanor Farjeon and then we wrote our own versions of the poem. The children had good fun researching places where cats sleep and the poems they wrote were really amazing! Here are some for you to listen to.
In Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of place value to 50. We have been using dienes to represent numbers to 50, making sure we have the correct number of tens and ones. We have also been exploring using the number line and we have discovered that number lines don't have to go up in 1s - they can go up in 10s or even 2s!
We have recently been learning about measuring. We started off by measuring length and height using non-standard units of measurement, such as cubes and our feet. Then we went on to measuring in cm using rulers. We learned the importance of starting to measure at the 0cm mark. Lighthouse Class have also been using balance scales to compare and measure mass.
Our current topic in RE is Lent/Easter and Change. We will be identifying Lent as a time of change and growth, thinking about ways in which we can change for the good. We will also be looking forward to Easter and learning about the Easter story.
KCSP Science Day
For KCSP Science Day, Year 1 discussed what animals lay eggs, and they came up with animals which could be classified into the groups of: birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians. The children watched some videos about how birds make their nests and discussed the materials used. They then had the opportunity to make nests, which needed to be strong enough to protect the eggs, whatever the weather! Take a look at the photos!
Our Project title this term is 'How has transport changed?' We started off by recording everything we already knew about transport. We then learned about some older forms of transport and sorted pictures of different methods of transport into past and present. Using our knowledge of materials from Science, we were able to describe the methods of transport and explain how we knew whether a vehicle is from the past or the present.
In DT, we have been learning about how wheels and axles enable a vehicle to move. As the character from our class text, Bob, has to work on the Moon all day every day, we will be designing and creating a moon buggy that moves for Bob to use.
In Art, we are learning about 3-D forms, and have been developing our clay modelling skills. We will be modelling an item from our class text using clay.