Term 3
In Term 3, our class text is Emma Jane's Aeroplane by Katie Haworth. We will begin by familiarising ourselves with the story, using role play and stick puppets. We will also sequence events in the story and explain what is happening during main events in the story. Later on in the term, we will be learning about newspaper articles and writing a newspaper article about Emma Jane's amazing adventure around the world.
Using stick puppets to explore main events
Using drama
At the start of Term 3, Lighthouse Class will be continuing on with their Place Value to 20 learning. We will then go on to Addition and Subtraction to 20.
A practical activity to add by counting on
In RE, we will be learning about Community and the local church.
Special people who help us
We have been thinking about the special people in our lives who are there to help us. We thought of family members, school staff and people in the wider community, such as doctors, firefighters and nurses. The children wrote lists of their special people and drew pictures of them.
In Art, we are focusing on portraits and self-portraits. We started off by becoming art critics! We looked at famous portraits and self-portraits, discussed them and then critiqued them. We will be developing our skills in drawing faces in order to produce portraits and self-portraits.