Term 6
Term 6- Under the Sea
This term we will be learning all about sea creatures!
In English we will be creating fishy poems using adjectives to describe the weird and wonderful fish we design in art. We will be using non-fiction texts to find out interesting information about different creatures that live in our oceans, and then we will create our very own fact file page. These will be collated together to create a class non-fiction book to keep and enjoy in our book corner. Speaking of book corners, we are looking forward to transforming our book corner this term, into a beautiful 'Under the Sea' cosy corner! Also in English, we will be creating more story maps and having another go at writing simple stories this term to build on our writing stamina, ready for year one! In phonics we will be reviewing all of the tricky words and GPCs (grapheme- phoneme correspondence) we have learnt this year to ensure we are able to independently apply these in our reading and writing, ready to kick start our learning in year one. We will also continue to work on blending and segmenting longer words and words with 'ed' 'est' and 'ing' suffixes.
In maths, we will be working on addition, subtraction, doubling, halving and sharing. We will practise counting in twos and we will be looking at odd and even numbers. To develop our spatial reasoning skills, we will be practising our positional and directional language using pirate treasure maps, exploring floating and sinking and creating more complex patterns.
In RE, we will be praising God for our wonderful world and will be celebrating and sharing what we love about our world. We will also think carefully about how we can care for our planet and the people, animals and plants that live on it. We will consider the importance of keeping sea creatures healthy and safe and what we need to do to look after our oceans.
Take a look at our medium term plan below, to find out more information about our learning this term!
Our Class Texts this Term

Islam Day
Castle Class learnt that followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe there is one true God -Allah. They pray five times a day- dawn, midday, late afternoon, sunset, and late evening. They listen for the 'call to prayer' which is played loudly through speakers to remind everybody that it is time to pray. We learnt that Muslims worship in a beautiful building called a mosque and they wash themselves before entering the mosque and remove their shoes.
We took a virtual tour inside a mosque and looked at some photographs of different mosques all over the world. We noticed lots of different 2D and 3D shapes and spotted the domes and moon symbol on the top of every mosque. We also noticed that the mosques were symmetrical and had remembered this word from our maths learning! We then used 2D shapes to draw our own mosques. Many of us even drew the speakers and a sign which says 'no shoes allowed'. We also built models of mosques in the construction area. We had a look at a real prayer mat and learnt that the special Holy book that Muslim's use is called the Qu'ran.