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Term 2


In Term 2, we are starting off with a look into onomatopoeia. We will explore lots of sounds our mouths and bodies can make and how we can use this to write our own poems. We will then go onto look at character and setting description using the story of 'The Tear Thief'. We will continue to grow our use of figurative language and noun phrases. Following on from this, we will begin to look at a book called 'The King Who Banned the Dark' linked with our science topic of light. Using this text we will write another setting description using what we learnt in the previous weeks. Then we will write a diary entry from the perspective of different characters in the books. 




This term we will continue to look into a range of mental strategies of adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and hundreds. We will also use partitioning, identifying our knowledge of number bonds and number lines. This will lead onto addition and subtraction using written methods, identifying when and where exchanges will take place. Ending the term we will be looking at multiplication and division of our tables knowledge of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. 


Project (History)


This term, our project title is 'Which was more impressive – the Bronze Age or the Iron Age?' This is a great project too, and gives us the opportunity to build on our knowledge of the Stone Age and continue our journey of Britain's technological advances. 




This term, we will continue our learning on baptism and we will look at the advent and local church.
