Term 1
In Term 1, we started off with a small vocabulary-developing project based on 'The Word Collector' by Peter H Reynolds. We thought about what it means to be a collector, and the children came up with 'a collector collects things', then explaining that to collect means 'to get stuff'. We used a thesaurus to explore the meaning of words and we all chose a favourite word to make a calligram of. Have a look at our wonderful calligrams!
We are currently basing our learning on 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch', as our project this term is based on our local area, and we have found out through our Geography learning that we have lots of different lighthouses in Dover! We started off by focusing on using our phonics to help us spell words, and then moving on to using capital letter and full stops in the correct places. Our outcome was to write some instructions on how to make a sandwich. We first learned all about the features of instructions, then we gave our partners clear verbal instructions for making a sandwich and, finally, we wrote our instruction down. This also links with our learning in Computing, as we are learning all about algorithms this term.
We will also be reading 'The Storm Whale' by Benji Davies, and writing a diary entry of the day Noi found the storm whale.
Look at our calligrams!
Giving clear verbal instructions: making sandwiches
We made telescopes like Mr Grinling, to see if we can spot any pesky seagulls!
Our first topic in Maths this year is Place Value within 10. We started off the term by sorting and counting. Take a look at the photos below that show the different ways we have been sorting objects! We sorted by: colour, size and number. We have also spent a lot of time counting, making sure we are counting accurately. Most recently, we have been matching numerals and words.
We have recently moved on to addition and subtraction in Maths. We have been using part-whole models to identify the whole and the different parts that could make up the whole.
This term, our project title is 'What is our local area like? This is a lovely project, and gives us the opportunity to visit some local attractions. We will be connecting our learning with our class texts, especially 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. In DT, we will be designing seagull-proof sandwich wrappers and then making our own sandwiches to eat outside. We will also be constructing a miniature zipline to send Mr Grinling's picnic to him whilst he is at work in the lighthouse! In Art, we will be using a variety of drawing and painting implements to create seaside and local pictures.
This project will be geography-based, and we will be identifying key human and physical features of Dover. To do this, we are hoping to visit the castle and Dover Museum. We will be locating local landmarks, using maps and aerial photographs, and we will be constructing our own maps, using the journeys that we will hopefully take.
Look at our beeswax wraps we made in DT!
Dover Castle visit
Using paintbrushes, sponges and painting knives to paint local landmarks
Our current RE topic is 'Belonging'. We have thought about all the different places we belong and we have started learning about Baptism as a sign of belonging to Jesus. We have designed badges to show that we belong to Lighthouse Class!