Term 1
Term 1 - America: how do the regions of America compare to the UK?
Our learning this term is all about the Americas - specifically a Geography focus comparing human and physical features of North and South America to that of the UK. We will continue to develop on the Year 3 learning of climates and biomes using comparative skills to gain a deeper understanding of the varied geography of the Americas.
In RE, our topics this term are:
Domestic Church - Family: people, where we will investigate the ancestors of Jesus.
Baptism and Confirmation - Belonging: called, where we will develop a deeper understanding of what it means to be chosen and called to follow Jesus' mission.
In Maths, our learning is place value, addition and subtraction. We will be focusing on recognising, recording and partitioning numbers to 10,000. We will then be adding and subtracting up to two 4-digit numbers with up to 2 exchanges.
In Science, we are learning to compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. We will then investigate the impact of temperature on materials.
In Art and Design we will explore American artists, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, focusing on the Pop Art movement, developing on from the learning in Year 2. In Design Technology, we will explore, plan, make and evaluate a biscuit recipe, making adaptations to the ingredients.
In English, we will continue to explore the Americas following Tom on his adventures to be "The Boy Who Biked The World: Riding The Americas" (by Alastair Humphreys). This is the second book in the series, continuing the narrative from the Year 3 learning of Book 1. We will be writing diary entries about Tom's nail-biting start to his journey, followed by informal and persuasive letters.