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Catholic Social Teaching in action

The Sunshine Team Fair Trade Sale - October 2024

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Dignity of Work 

On Friday 18th October, the Sunshine Team held a Fair Trade sale of treats for the whole school to buy. the Sunshine Team purchased the products to then sell to the school community in order to highlight the importance of Fair Trade. The sale was a great success and lots of items were purchased and the Sunshine Team had the opportunity to explain all about Fair Trade. 

"Treat others just as you want to be treated." 6:31


Collection - October 2024

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

Throughout October the children, staff and governors have been collecting donations of food and toiletries for the local food bank. Everyone helped to collect so many donations, it was wonderful and the food bank were absolutely delighted with everyone's kindness. 

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."

Hebrews 13:16

Starting our own Food Pantry - May 2024 

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Common Good

The Sunshine Team decided to start their own food pantry on site for the school community. The pantry is open to our families throughout the year, during school time, and is kept well stocked up with food, toiletries, baby food and nappies etc. The whole school community continue to donate food as well as money to the food pantry. We are really proud of the food pantry!

St Richard's supporting the Food bank at Dover - April 2024

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

This week we received a certificate from Dover Food bank thanking the pupils, staff and families for all of their generous donations. Thank you for your continued support. 

St Richard's Food Pantry - April 2024

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

This month we have launched the St Richard's food Pantry. This has been established to help anyone who needs support. The Sunshine Team have been organising the pantry, stocking it and checking to see if it needs more each week. The food pantry is open to all of our families, during school time, for them to go along and take what they need or to give what they can. 

Working with The Fifth Trust - February 2024

Catholic Social Principle - Dignity of Work

This month the school has been working with The Fifth Trust a charity which is a Kent based charity for adults with learning disabilities. They did an amazing job working around part of the school site. The outdoor areas and the adventure playground were transformed with all their hard work over just a few days. This area was not ready for the children to use but thanks to the The Fifth Trust the adventure playground is now a safe place for all the children to enjoy. 

To find out more about The Fifth Trust,  here is their website.

Spreading Christmas Cheer - December 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

Staff helped to make Christmas hampers for some of our families in our school community, to spread joy during this special season. The hampers were full of Christmas goodies that our families could enjoy over this festival time.

Dover Foodbank fund raising - December 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

Since the beginning of Advent the school has been collecting more food for the Dover Foodbank. We know how difficult this time of year can be on some families and how much support this charity gives at this time of year. We are very grateful to the staff and families who have helped the school donate so much to help others. 

'...but love your neighbour as yourself.' December 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Peace and Solidarity

This month, the Sunshine club prepared special Christmas cards for our neighbours with a small gift of chocolate coins from the school. These were dropped around the immediate houses around the school just before the end of term. A special treat for our neighbours.  


Saint Nicholas Day - December 2023

Catholic Social Principle -Dignity of Work

Saint Nicholas Day was celebrated throughout the school on Wednesday 6th December. The children learnt all about Saint Nicholas and why he is was such a special and important role model. Each of the children received a golden coin to remember this wonderful day. 

"The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic His giving, by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves."

When I needed a neighbour were you there? - December 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principles - Peace and Solidarity

Recently, the school heard that one of our neighbours was unwell. The Sunshine club volunteered and created some special cards for our neighbour to hopefully cheer him up at this time. The cards (all individually created by every member) were accompanied by some chocolate coins to make him smile. We have also been saying prayers for our neighbour. 

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. “This is the first and great commandment. “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”

Matthew 22:37

Odd Socks day - November 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor


In November,  we took part in Odd Sock Day, raising the profile of well being and ensuring that we treat each other with respect. All of the children and staff were invited to odd socks for the day and to make a donation to the charity. In assembly we talked about how sometimes unkind words disguised as a joke or banter can hurt the feelings of others. The example of the Israelites and the Philistines was used in how those jeers were used to hurt others but kindness and understanding would achieve more. 

Learning all about Saints - November 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Dignity of Work

Each class have chosen a Saint to learn about in their RE learning and some classes have made a display about their Saint. Mr Taylor also set the whole school an extra choose their very own Saint, to find out all about them and how they are a good role model. The children were all given a special postcard to take away and decorate with information and pictures about their chosen Saint. These postcards will be displayed for everyone in school to see and learn from. 

Poppy Appeal November 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

This was our first year as a Royal British Legion school. The children worked hard to raise funds for this amazing charity. The collection tin was so heavy that it couldn't be lifted when we handed it over. The raising did not stop after our special assembly it carried on until advent. Further funds were raised and given to the R.B.L. on the 1st December. 

All Saints Day - November 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Dignity of Work

The great storm this month did not stop the school from celebrating All Saint's Day. Despite the storm, Senior Leaders worked from early in the morning with Father Leo to make sure that the Mass could go ahead and the children were safe. A mini-bus was provided and Year 6 led the Mass joined by Father Leo. The mass was also live streamed to the school so that no child would miss out. Each class lit a candle at school and joined in the Mass remotely.  

"To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 1:7

Yellow Day - October 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

In October we took part in Hello Yellow Day, raising money for the Young Minds Charity. All of the children and staff were invited to wear yellow for the day and to make a donation to the charity. We raised money by coming in dressed in a yellow accessory. The Young Minds Charity helps children and young people access the support they need for their mental health and well being. You can find out all about the charity using the following link:

Harvest Collection - October 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

Throughout October, we have been collecting food donations for our local food bank. Families, governors, staff  and children were all invited to make a donation to help those who are struggling at this time. Our school community have been so kind and generous with their donations. Thank you everyone!


"Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. " 2 Corinthians 9:10

Macmillan Fund Raiser - September 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

This month, staff organised a lovely afternoon tea for families. People came to join staff to enjoy this tea and raise funds for this amazing charity. Afterwards all the families were invited to our celebration assembly. 

Supporting our local community - September to November 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Human Dignity

This term the Sunshine Club have been writing to the elderly residents of the local community homes. They have been sharing what they have been doing in school and getting the residents to share what school was like for them. The residents have all commented on how they look forward to their postcard from the team.

Peace Run - April 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

On Wednesday 26th we had some special visitors in school telling as all about the Peace Run. The Peace Run is all about discovering peace and goodness in the world around us, and it is a great opportunity to invite the students to think of the community around them.

The Peace runners came to school and were greeted by children with their homemade torches. The children then took part in a really engaging presentation in the hall and Key stage 2 then went off to do their own peace run. During the visit, the children and staff were able to touch the peace torch which was very special moment because Pop Francis, Nelson Mandela and Saint Teresa of Calcutta have also touched the same torch. How amazing!!


Sunshine Team Daffodil Tea - March 2023

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Common Good and Peace

On Tuesday 28th March the Sunshine Team held a beautiful daffodil tea for their grandparents and members of our Church community. The tea was a great success and it was wonderful to spend some together. The Sunshine Team were able to treat the community to daffodils, sandwiches and cake with the money they raised from a cake sale that they held at school the week before. Well done Sunshine Team!

Spreading Christmas Cheer - December 2022

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

Staff helped to make Christmas hampers for some of our families in our school community, to spread joy during this special season. The hampers were full of Christmas goodies that our families could enjoy over this festival time.

Yellow Day - October 2022

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Protecting the Poor

On Friday 7th October we took part in Hello Yellow Day, raising money for the Young Minds Charity. All of the children and staff were invited to wear yellow for the day and to make a donation to the charity. We raised £137! The Young Minds Charity helps children and young people access the support they need for their mental health and well being. You can find out all about the charity using the following link:




Welcoming the children back to school - September 2022

On Monday 5th September, Fr John came to school and greeted all the children and as many of the new Reception children as he could. He wished them a great day and they told him what they were excited about returning to school. 

 Ukrainian Crisis - April 2022

Catholic Social Teaching Principles- Protecting the Poor and Human Dignity

The final delivery of donations was taken to Folkestone to be loaded onto a Ukrainian lorry. The pictures here show the lorry being loaded with donations from St Richard's and St Paul's. We also met up with the Medway League of Friends who had sorted and organised the nappies etc to be loaded onto the same lorry. 

Ukrainian Crisis and your donations - April 2022

Catholic Social Teaching Principles - Human Dignity and Protecting the Poor

After Fr Jamie leading the Prayer vigil, Mr Taylor appealed for donations from our local community. The initial response was amazing. The school was quickly filled with wonderful gifts. Staff took it upon themselves to spread the word and share this chance to support those in need. Over a couple of days, a large amount of aid was gathered. It was then carefully sorted by staff in their own time and taken to a location. The first car load was gathered and delivered to the Medway League of Friends who are working with K.C.C. to create aid packages for new mothers or expectant mothers. This was all nappies, creams, wipes and other items for babies. Mr Taylor's car was quickly filled. All of this aid was then dropped off for the 'Medway League of Friends' ready for their ambulance to be loaded.

The beginnings of the Ukrainian Crisis Appeal - March 2022

Catholic Social Teaching - Human Dignity

On Thursday 10th March a mini bus full of donations was driven to Folkestone. It was here, an agreed donation point had been arranged by the East Kent Head Teachers organisation. The donations from St Richard's and St Paul's Church were taken by the volunteers working at this point. They were very grateful for the volume of aid as it meant that the shipping container could be taken earlier than expected and that would be leaving on the 11th March instead of the following week. Here are some pictures of Mr Walker, our caretaker, helping the volunteers. 

School display at St Paul's Church 

The children helped to create a wonderful display in the Parish. The children have worked so hard to re-create St Richard's Prayer in their own languages. It is so amazing to see the prayer we use in school translated and shared at Church. 

Eyes of the world campaign for primary schools - June 2021

Catholic Social Teaching Principle - Creation and Environment 

This month we joined the campaign to help fight the climate crisis.  Cafod has been working hard to focus attention on the climate crisis. At the moment, the eyes of the world are on us, as Britain hosts world leaders for the United Nations' climate change talks – COP26. They will make important decisions that will shape the future of our global family. St Richard's children were joined by St Edmund's pupils to highlight this campaign to call on the Prime Minister to support the world's poorest communities affected by the climate crisis. The children came together at Samphire Hoe to have photographs taken, raise the flag to promote awareness and they were interviewed by Cafod staff about this problem. All of this was published on the Cafod Facebook page and the Cafod website. 



St. Richard's Day - June 2021

Today has been a very special day in the lives of the children at St Richard's. This is the day when we remember St Richard and the things he accomplished in his life. To mark this special occasion our Year 2 made a pilgrimage to St Edmund's Chapel in Dover.

The children travelled to the chapel of St. Edmund's because this was the last place St Richard visited before he passed away! Whilst at the Chapel, he fell ill and he passed away in Maison Dieu, a large medieval building in Dover. At the time this was used as a hospital. This children took time to learn about the Chapel, St Richard and what life was like in those times. Once that was accomplished the class observed a sacred moment of silence whilst flowers were laid at the Chapel. St Richard's heart is still kept at the Chapel, representing how special this place was for him. A candle represents this holy location. 
