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Term 5

Term 5- Let's go on a Safari!

This term our work will be based all around Africa and animals! Our class texts will be 'The Leopard's Drum' by Jessica Souhami, 'Handa's Surprise' by Eileen Browne and 'Anna Hibiscus' Song' by Atinuke & Lauren Tobia. 


We will research where the continent of Africa is in the world, focusing on Ghana and Kenya. We will learn about the differences between Africa and the UK, focusing on the climate, how people live, what they wear and eat, and animal habitats. We will be making music and dancing, using African drums. We will be exploring and tasting the fruits from the story of Handa's surprise and making our own fruit kebabs. This term in art, we will be getting creative and making traditional African prints and masks and we will be creating our own African small world scene which we will use for our story telling and small world, imaginative play. We are also looking forward to developing our nature garden this term and will be busy planting flowers and veggies and creating bird feeders. 


In English, we will be doing some work based around poetry, using adjectives, following and writing instructions, and creating story maps, then writing our own simple stories. In maths, we will recap our learning from last term about 3D shapes and number bonds to 10. We will also be working on building numbers beyond 10, counting patterns beyond 10, addition, subtraction, matching, rotating and manipulating shapes. In RE, our units of work are called 'Good News' and 'Friends' and will be based around Pentecost and Reconciliation. 


Take a look at our medium term plan below, to find out more about our learning this term. 

Our class texts this term...

We wrote rainforest animal poems!

Castle class used brilliant descriptive vocabulary to describe what the animals look and sound like!

We have been learning all about Africa!

We looked at a globe to find out where Africa is in our world. We researched what the climate is like, which animals live in the rainforests and which live in the savannah plains, looking carefully at the different habitats. We also looked at photographs of traditional African masks, prints and mud huts. We then made our own African masks using a range of media.

We celebrated the King's Coronation! 

We made paper chains, flags, bunting and crowns. We then had a royal tea party and played some traditional party games. What a fabulous day! 

A Visit from the Dentist!

We had a visit from a dental therapist and dental nurse to teach us all about how to keep our teeth clean and healthy. We practised the different brushing techniques and learnt why it is important to brush our teeth twice a day. We were all given a 2 minute timer to use when we brush our teeth at home and a special pillow to put our teeth in when the tooth fairy visits! What lucky children! 

We went on a school trip to Wingham Wildlife Park!

African Drumming!

Road Safety Workshop

We learnt all about road safety! We learnt how to be safe when riding our bikes and scooters and how to stop, look, listen, think and hold hands when crossing the road. 

Busy time!
