Term 2
Term 2- Dinosaurs!
This term our theme is 'Dinosaurs!'. The stories we will be basing our learning around are 'Dinosaur Roar' by Paul and Henrietta Stickland and 'Stomp Chomp Big Roars, Here Come the Dinosaurs!' by Kaye Umansky and Nick Sharratt. We will also be looking at non-fiction texts about dinosaurs, fossils, habitats, woodland animals and autumn this term. We will read the nativity story too, as we draw closer to Christmas time.
We are looking forward to an Autumn walk to explore the change of seasons and performing our very first nativity this term! We will be learning about Diwali, bonfire night and Remembrance day and are looking forward to a special 'dinosaur day' where we will become paleontologists for the dayy! This is one of our special class rewards from our 10:10 list!
In maths this term, we will be representing, comparing and looking at the composition of numbers to 5, exploring one more and one less, and investigating 2d shapes. We will also be working on positional language and time (daily routines- day, night, morning, afternoon, today, tomorrow etc).
In phonics, we will be continuing our learning of phase 2 sounds and the corresponding graphemes. We will learn how to blend to read simple words and segment to spell cvc words (consonant, vowel, consonant e.g- c-a-t). We will also be learning to read many more tricky words by sight. For more information about our learning this term, take a look at our medium term plan, found by clicking the bee icon above.
In RE we reflected upon our first term of school and discussed how we felt when we started school. We read a story called 'welcome' and talked about the new friends we have made. We then did a lucky dip and chose a name from the basket and made a special welcome card for them.
Remembrance Day
Hinduism Day
Diwali- The Festival of Lights
We learnt about Diwali The Festival of Lights which is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists. We created Rangoli patterns to bring us good luck. Some of us created symmetrical patterns! We also learnt a traditional Diwali dance and created Diya lamps. We learnt that Diya lamps are lit to welcome Goddess Lakshmi into peoples homes and to celebrate light over darkness. In busy time we made Rangoli patterns using numicon and buttons, practising our pincer grasp to help develop our fine motor skills. We also learnt that Hindu's clean, tidy and decorate their homes and prepare a feast for their family. They let off fireworks too! What a wonderful celebration!