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Wednesday 13th

Good Morning Castle Class!

Today's tasks are set out below. Thank you to everyone who has sent me their work- remember you get a dojo pint every time I receive your work on purple mash or via email!


Our zoom link:

See you at 9am for Phonics and 1:45pm for celebration and storytime!



Recapping letter sounds: Please watch this monster phonics video every day and practice the actions.

Monster Phonics Pure Speech Sounds:

Monster Phonics Actions:


Daily Zoom session: Today is our first lesson learning 'ow' as in cow. This is a brown owl sound! We will look at a PowerPoint together with lots of 'ow' words in it.

(now, cow, down, how, brown, crown, shower, flower)



Make a list of the ow words your grown-up says (listed above)- use a brown pen/ pencil to write the brown owl ‘ow’ sound in the words.

Try to work out what sound you can hear at the start, middle, and end of the word. For example 'down'.

Start sound: d           Middle sound: ow           End sound: n

You can support your child orally by saying the word slowly so they can hear each individual sound.

Please take pictures of the list you've written and send them to Miss Hunt to see! Please include any mistakes the children might have made (with their self-corrections below) and note down where they could hear/ write the sounds themselves.



Teach Your Monster to Read – Reading game. Please complete one island/ gate per day.

Our Log in link:


Read Phonics Play Decodable Comic Books: Sit (below in resources)


Please read a book with your child every day.

Remember you can always look at this website for free e-books you can read:



Please follow this link and watch Session 3- Composition of numbers to 5.

Complete the activity:

You will need some things to throw, your exercise book and a pencil to record your scores!

Please take photographs during practical activities and send them and any exercise book work via email to Miss Hunt.


Afternoon Activities:

  • Purple Mash 2Do's: Paint Project- Superhero Cape. (Please save all work to your tray!)
  • Complete the PE Challenge set by Danny Joe and Mark on the Class page- Week 2. Please take some photographs and send them to Miss Hunt! How did your child find the challenge? What did they enjoy the most? Were there any reoccurring difficulties?



Wednesday 13th Resources:
