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Good morning Year 6. Today's code for reading and SPAG on LBQ is:



Last week you started thinking about your own report about a monster. You did the planning, and the designing - today's the day for the writing. To help you with your writing, you have lots of different things to help you: 
✓ The original text about monsters

✓ The toolkit for reporting information

✓ Your ideas page

✓ Your diagram

✓ The vocabulary we learned from the model  

✓ And most importantly, your plan 

Draft your ideas on one piece of paper and edit it so you really like the words you have chosen. Read it through again to check spelling and punctuation and then write your final draft. 


Today's lesson is all about solving 2-step equations. Watch the video from White Rose and then have a go at the work. Remember to mark it at the end:

Year 6 - Week 8 - Lesson 1 - Solve 2-step equations


Another lesson from 'Be Awesome - Go Big!' today Year 6. We've learned about some fantastic strategies to help with transitioning to secondary school. I found our last lesson thinking about what 'normal' means really interesting - it certainly made me ask some questions about myself. Today we will be thinking about friendships and falling out; a really important topic for moving on to secondary school.

Have a look at the PowerPoint and watch the videos .

You will be thinking about what kind of friends you want to have in secondary school and what kind of friend you want to be to other people.


“Walk away from friendships that make you feel small and insecure, and seek out people who inspire and support you.”

Michelle Obama

American lawyer, author, activist and former First Lady of the United States


Once you've looked at the PowerPoint, have a look at the questions in the workbook and think carefully about your honest answers.


Good luck!
