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Good morning Year 6. I hope you all had a fun snow day yesterday and did lots of exciting things. 


Today's timetable looks like this:

These are suggested times (apart from the Zoom lessons), so fit your learning in when works best for you and your family.


In this lesson, we will start off by writing a complex sentence with a relative clause about Charles Darwin. Then we will look at what an introduction is and plan our own introduction for this biographical writing. After that, we will plan the main body of the text and break the main body into four paragraphs: Early Life, School Life, Voyages and Discoveries. For each paragraph, we will refer to notes made from the previous lessons and insert opening sentences and linking sentences. Finally, we will plan a concluding paragraph.


Watch the video - and follow the instructions the teacher gives you. Pause the video to do the activities and  complete the independent work during the lesson. Don't forget to take a picture and email me when you have completed the lesson.


Write today's short date (09/02) in your book and have a go at this arithmetic:

Remember that you will need to find the remainder as a decimal for questions 1,2, and 3. Here's a quick reminder of what that looks like:


Today's Maths task is an end of block assessment on LBQ. We have come to the end of our work on decimals - so I would like you to have a go at the task called 'Decimals Block Review'. You'll find the code just underneath in the 'Reading' section.


Use your exercise book to do any working out you need to, but please do have a proper go so that I can see what areas we will need to re-visit.


Log on to LBQ and have a go at the comprehension exercise. The code today is:

Remember to use your full name (including surname) and your own chosen passcode to log in.

Afternoon lesson - Computing

Today is Safer Internet Day 2021 - and the theme is:

‘An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world'


We will be doing some learning together about Safer Internet Day in our afternoon zoom session. I have put some videos for you to have a look at all about trust and the internet. Have a look at them, and think about what they teach you about being safe online.

What can you trust online? (Film for 5-11 year olds)

Trust online: advice from the experts at Full Fact (Tips for 5-11 year olds)

Trust online: advice from the experts at BBC Reality Check (Tips for 5-11 year olds)

Your task:

Pick one of the scenarios from the list below and imagine you're a friend of this person. Your task is to write a response giving your friend some advice – this could be in an email format if you would like.
