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Good morning Year 6. I hope you're all hanging on in there - it's nearly Friday - we can do this!


Today's timetable looks like this:

These are suggested times (apart from the Zoom lessons), so fit your learning in when works best for you and your family


In this lesson, we will identify sentences written in the third person and then write our own sentence.


In the main part of the lesson, we will begin by looking at where we find information from (which sources). Then we will decide which form of note-taking would be the most appropriate when retrieving information from a non-fiction text. Next, we will begin the process of reading from a non-fiction text about Charles Darwin. We will read and make notes for three subheadings: introduction, early life and school life.


Log on to LBQ and have a go at the comprehension exercise. The code today is:

Remember to use your full name (including surname) and your own chosen passcode to log in.


Write today's short date (04/02) in your home learning book and have a go at these arithmetic questions:

Watch the White Rose video - you can pause it as you are watching to have a go at joining in with the activities. When you get to the end, have a go at the work in your home learning book. You will need to have the worksheet open on a device in front of you and then do your working out and answering in the book. Once you have completed the task, you can use the answer sheet to mark your work before an adult emails me a picture of it. Good luck - and remember to email me if you have any questions.

Spr6.2.4 - Decimals as fractions

Afternoon lesson - Science

1.30 pm Science Zoom with Mrs Martin (see email for details)

This term our science topic is Living things

Science Lesson 4 PowerPoint – Making branching keys and classifying vertebrates
 L.O. To be able to draw a branching key and classify invertebrates.






Please take a photo of your work and email it to Miss Drage who will forward it to me. It’s important I keep a record of all your hard work as it helps me to know how you are getting on.
