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Good morning Year 6. I hope you all had fun doing 'The Loco-Motion' yesterday. It certainly got us up and moving in the classroom.


Today's timetable looks like this:

These are suggested times (apart from the Zoom lessons), so fit your learning in when works best for you and your family.



In today's lesson, we will be investigating some spelling rules we have not looked at this year to do with French and Greek etymology.

Watch the video - and follow the instructions the teacher gives you. Pause the video to do the activities and then complete the independent work at the end of the lesson.



Write today's short date (02/02) in your home learning book and have a go at these arithmetic questions:

Watch the White Rose video - you can pause it as you are watching to have a go at joining in with the activities. When you get to the end, have a go at the work in your home learning book. You will need to have the worksheet open on a device in front of you and then do your working out and answering in the book. Once you have completed the task, you can use the answer sheet to mark your work before an adult emails me a picture of it. Good luck - and remember to email me if you have any questions.

Spr6.2.2 - Divide decimals by integers


Log on to LBQ and have a go at the 2 comprehension exercises - Task 1 and Task 2. 

The code today is:

Remember to use your full name (including surname) and your own chosen passcode to log in

Afternoon lesson - RE

The Communion Rite focuses on peace, unity and forgiveness.


The Christian family comes to the Lord’s table united in love of Jesus and of one another.   They pray the ‘Our Father’ between the Eucharistic prayer and the giving of Holy Communion.  It sums up everyone’s prayers and hopes.  It is addressed to ‘Our Father’, not ‘my Father’, so uniting the family of God into the love of the Father.  It was the prayer that Jesus himself gave us.

The disciples asked Jesus for help to pray and he gave them this prayer.  It is the prayer which unites all Christians, whatever their denomination:


“Pray then in this way:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.


Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And do not bring us to the time of trial,

but rescue us from the evil one.


For if you forgive others their trespasses,

your heavenly Father will also forgive you;

but if you do not forgive others,

neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6:9-15


This version of the prayer is different from the one used at Mass.  Can you see how some of the words are different, and more unusual.  Notice the structure of the prayer:

  • The first part is addressed to God: honouring and longing for the coming of God.
  • The second part asks for our needs: food, forgiveness, avoidance of difficulty.
  • The last part applies to our daily lives: forgiving others.


Key Questions - to answer in your book:

  1. Why do you think the Christian family says this prayer before receiving Jesus in Holy Communion?
  2. What is Jesus teaching his followers: to give to God and to one another?
  3. The prayer is often referred to as ‘the perfect prayer’.  Why do you think that is?


Your task:

Design and illustrate a bookmark with some or all of the words of the Our Father.



