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9.00 am Science ZOOM session with Mrs Martin

Meeting ID: 941 0831 3363

Passcode is the same as the one we use every day. 


This term our science topic is Living things
Today we are comparing life cycles of animals

L.O. To be able to compare the life cycle of animals
L.O. I can use secondary sources to research and report on my findings in various ways


Please ensure you send your work to Miss Brown so that I can see what you have been up to! 

English Lesson via Zoom- 10 am


Meeting Code: 724 757 6561

English Lesson

Performing Poetry

To convey the meaning of poem by performing it out-loud in a group.
To interpret punctuation, structure and vocabulary choices in a poem by using musical instruments when reading it aloud.

Task: Create a performance of one of the poems. Use props from your house (or even from outside!) to make sounds, as well as musical instruments. Focus on the following things to convey meaning:
- Volume
- Speed
- Emphasis of certain words


Ask your grown ups to record your performances so that you can watch them and decide where you did well and where you could improve next time. Most of all; enjoy reading! And don’t forget to spread the love of poetry, of course.


I would love to see some of these performances, if you don't want to film it, we can share them on zoom later. If you're feeling very shy, have a go at doing this in your room alone, but I won't make you show it. 

Celebration Assembly has been cancelled today- go and play! 

Divide 3-digits by 1-digit



Today we are going to learn about Charles Rennie Mackintosh. He is one of my favourite artists. 




His art is in the Art Nouveau style, this style focuses a lot on flowers and plants in a very unique way. Mackintosh is very famous for his painting of roses shown below. 




Click here to learn all about Charles Mackintosh- it's very interesting! 


Today we are going to learn how to draw a Mackintosh Rose. For this lesson you will need paper, a circular object to trace, a ruler and some coloured pencils. 


If you would like to paint your creation, this is fine too. Use whatever medium you prefer! 

Step 1, Drawing a 'Mackintosh' rose

Step 2, Adding Color, Crayons and Paint.

Afternoon Zoom- 2:45 pm


Meeting Code: 724 757 6561
