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Today's code for reading and SPAG on Learning by Questions is:



This week, we will be doing a short piece of writing about our memories of St Richard's. We will be using these memories for our Leaver's Assembly, so make them good! Have a look at the PowerPoint and work your way through the slides.


Some more practise with fractions, decimals and percentages this week Year 6. Watch the White Rose video below, and then have a go at the work. Remember to mark it once you have finished.

Year 6 - Week 6 - Lesson 1 - Fractions to percentages

Windrush Day 2020

You may have heard a lot about what is going on across the world to do with a movement called #BlackLivesMatter. Today (22nd June) is an important day, called Windrush Day.


This week we will be thinking about a group of people called 'The Windrush Generation', and what their story has been. Have a look at the webpage on the school website here:

I have put some of the resources into a PowerPoint presentation for each afternoon lesson. Today, you will be learning about where the Caribbean islands are; what they are called; what it means to be classed as an overseas territory; and the origin of many of the people who live in the Caribbean.

Work your way through the PowerPoint slides  - you'll be listening to some music, thinking about geography and then researching the capital cities of different Caribbean countries. If you can't print the sheet, you can just create a list on a piece of paper or in your exercise book.

At the end, there's a quiz to see if you can place Caribbean islands in the correct place on a map.
