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Monday 8th

Happy snowy Monday!

We're starting the last week of this term!

We hope you had a nice weekend and had a chance to play in the snow. If any of you built snowmen I'd love to see them!

This week we are trialing sending work to Miss Hunt via EExAT. If you have picked up your home learning supply pack, you will have the EExAT parent guide and your access code. Please try logging on today and submitting some work with a short caption.


Our zoom link has been emailed to you on Sunday evening.

See you at 9am and 1:45pm today! :)


REMINDER: KS1 Gospel Assembly is at 11:15 today with Mrs. Huotari on Zoom.

The access link has been sent to you via email. We only had 4 of you there last week- can we get some more this week? :)



Recapping letter sounds: Please recap your letter sounds and actions every day.

You can use the videos below to help you.

Monster Phonics Pure Speech Sounds:

Phase 2 Tricky Word Song:


Daily Zoom session: Our sound this week is 'or'. This is a Black Cat sound. We will be looking at some 'or' words and matching them to pictures. Then we will put each word into sentences and write the 'or' grapheme. After this, we will play a quick matching game together and recap last week's tricky words: are and you.


Follow up activity: Can you find ‘or’ objects in your home? Can you find some corn, a fork, or a torch? 

Then play ICT Games- Shark Sounds. Please choose these sounds: or, ai, ee, ur.

Move the skull joystick to move the shark up, down, forwards, and backward to make the shark eat the right sound!



When I Grow Up writing: Watch the video of ‘Clothes Line Clue to Jobs People Do’

Get your adult to write: “When I grow up, I want to be” at the top of your page.

Then you can write what you want to be, using your sound mat to help you find the letter that matches the sounds you can hear in the word.

Then draw a lovely picture of the job you want to do or the uniform you'll wear underneath.

Your adult can scribe any further information you give about what you want to do when you grow up on the same page in your exercise book.

Please photograph this and if possible, upload it to EExAT for Miss Hunt to see! laugh


Handwriting/ Fine Motor Skills: We're changing it up this week!

Fine motor skills are the skills that allow you to make small movements with your

hands- developing these supports pencil control.

Challenge: Use clothes pegs to strengthen your hands.

See pictures below for some creative clothes peg activity ideas!


Please read with your child every day!


  • Today's Phonics Play Decodable Comic Book: I can spot

Accessible here:

  • Optional: Teach Your Monster to Read – Reading game. Please complete one island/ gate per day.

Our Log in link:

  • Look at this website for other free books you can read:

You will need to set up a free account with Oxford Owl using your email address to access this content.



Please follow this link and watch Session 1: Matching 6, 7, 8.

Then complete the activity:

Please take photographs during practical activities and send them and any exercise book work via email to Miss Hunt- please also try uploading a photo of your work to EExAT for Miss Hunt to see!


Afternoon Activities:

  • Science Monday!

This week's investigation: explore the snow!

Why did it snow? What is snow made from? What season are we in?

What do you think snow would feel like when you step on it? 

Put some waterproof shoes on and step in some snow- what does it actually feel like? describe it to your grown-up.

Pick some up; how does it feel in your hand? What is the texture- is it soft or hard? Crumbly or solid?

What happens if you make some into a ball? Does it feel the same?

Bring a little bit inside with you and put it in a bowl; what happens to it? What would happen if we put the bowl back outside?

Can you talk about melting and freezing?

Take photos of yourself out in the snow and send them to Miss Hunt!! We'd love to hear some of your observations too.

Monday 8th Resources:

Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do: Read Aloud

Please watch this video story before completing the writing activity with your child.
