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Wednesday 20th

It's Wednesday already!

Today's tasks are as follows. Please continue to send me any and all work you do. smiley


Our zoom link:

See you as usual at 9am and 1:45pm!



Recap of letter sounds: Please watch this monster phonics video every day and practice the actions.

Monster Phonics Pure Speech Sounds:

Monster Phonics Actions:


Daily Zoom session: Our sound this week is 'ee'. 

We will be reviewing our ee words and then writing a sentence together! 'She fell into a deep sleep'.

Please have your exercise book and a pencil to hand for writing 'ee'.

We will revisit the tricky words we learnt yesterday: she and we and learn a new tricky word: they.



Write the 'ee' sentence below in your exercise book. Remember to make your ‘ee’ sound green!

'She had a deep sleep'


Parents: Repeat the sentence with your child multiple times. Help them to sound out each word, writing one sound at a time. Say the word slowly- they will need help to hear the sounds.

We, she, and they are tricky words and do not sound out. Please use the phase 3 tricky word mat and the sound mat to help (below in resources).



Please read with your child every day.

Today's Phonics Play Decodable Comic Book: Choose from Pat, Sit or A Nap (below in resources)


Teach Your Monster to Read – Reading game. Please complete one island/ gate per day.

Our Log in link:


Remember to take a look at this website for other free books you can read:

You will need to set up a free account with Oxford Owl using your email address to access this content.



Please follow this link and watch Session 3: Composition to 5 (3 groups)

Then complete the activity:

Please take photographs during practical activities and send them and any exercise book work via email to Miss Hunt.


Afternoon Activities:

  • Purple Mash 2Do's: Paint Project- Ice Cream and Fruit Bowl Puzzle

  • Do some cooking or baking this afternoon! Simple food ideas are linked below in resources.

Whilst you bake, you could listen to some fun food songs (also linked in resources).

Wednesday 20th Resources:

Cooking and Baking ideas:
