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Good morning Year 6 - and HAPPY FRIDAY!


This afternoon is Mrs Waller's coffee break - please do encourage your mums, dads and carers to join so that they can have a chat about how things are going with home learning. They've got lots of helpful ideas to support our whole school community.


Check out the flier below to see the instructions to join.


Today's timetable looks like this:


In this lesson, we will discuss some of the themes in the poem. After this, there will be an opportunity to write our own poem using similar themes to the ones identified in 'The Listeners'.


Watch the video - and follow the instructions the teacher gives you - pausing the video to do the activities. When you get to the part of the lesson where the teacher says "if you'd like to have a go at answering some of your questions", please do this: pause the video and answer some of your questions using full sentences.


Your task today is going to be writing a poem inspired by "The Listeners". It could be a mystery poem, a spooky poem - or any style you like. Good luck!


Write today's short date (26/02) in your book and have a go at today's arithmetic:

Huge well done to Ama - who is turning out to be my arithmetic answers mistake spotter! She spotted the mistake yesterday that 3.3 x 9 = 29.9.

Watch the White Rose video - you can pause it as you are watching to have a go at joining in with the activities. When you get to the end, have a go at the work in your home learning book. You will need to have the worksheet open on a device in front of you and then do your working out and answering in the book. Once you have completed the task, you can use the answer sheet to mark your work before an adult emails me a picture of it. Good luck - and remember to email me if you have any questions.

Spr6.4.1 - Order FDP


Have a look at these questions and use what you've learned to order and compare these fractions, decimals and percentages.


We're having a technical issue with LBQ this morning - so please use this time to practise your spellings on spelling shed, or your times tables on TTRS.

Afternoon lesson - PE

Here is today's lesson from Danny - a quick reminder....when measuring, you need to measure where the heel of your foot lands, not your toes!


Still image for this video

Optional afternoon lesson 2

Yesterday in the classroom, Hayden inspired us to think about representing what we imagined in "The Listeners" as a drawing. We all had a go at doodling what we could see in our minds when Walter de la Mere talked about the phantoms thronging the moonbeams on the stairs. Here are some pictures inspired by the poem: 

Have a listen to the poem here and look at the images on screen as you do

Your challenge:

Can you create a picture representing "The Listeners"? You could use paint, pencil and paper (this would look very effective as an atmospheric piece) or any method you choose.
