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Good morning Year 6 - and HAPPY WEDNESDAY. We're halfway through the week - so well done for all your hard work so far. Keep it up - you're all AMAZING!


Today's timetable looks like this:

These are suggested times (apart from the Zoom lessons), so fit your learning in when works best for you and your family.


In today's lesson, we will practise using parentheses in the three forms (brackets, dashes and commas). Then we will explore why we use colons in writing and its uses. Each use will be looked at in more detail and then we will get to put our knowledge of the different uses into practice.

Watch the video - and follow the instructions the teacher gives you.

Pause the video to do the activities and then complete the independent work at the end of the lesson.


Write today's short date (03/02) in your home learning book and have a go at these arithmetic questions:

Watch the White Rose video - you can pause it as you are watching to have a go at joining in with the activities. When you get to the end, have a go at the work in your home learning book. You will need to have the worksheet open on a device in front of you and then do your working out and answering in the book. Once you have completed the task, you can use the answer sheet to mark your work before an adult emails me a picture of it. Good luck - and remember to email me if you have any questions.

Spr6.2.3 - Division to solve problems


Log on to LBQ and have a go at the comprehension exercise. The code today is:

Remember to use your full name (including surname) and your own chosen passcode to log in

Afternoon lesson - Geography

Learning objective - To understand what minerals are and question if they can be used sustainably


In our afternoon Zoom session today, we will be talking through our Geography work on minerals using the PowerPoint I have attached below (in case you want to look at it again).


Once we have finished looking through the slides together, I would like you to look at this online lesson with Mr Pedroza about natural resources, Pause the video and have a think about the activities when asked. At the end of the lesson, have a look at the quiz - and see what you've learned.

You'll find the quiz here:
