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The grid below outlines a range of home learning tasks the children can choose from over the course of Term 2. We had such amazing home learning turned in last term that we all can’t wait to see what is produced this term. The expectation is that children complete at least 7 pieces of home learning by the end of term. Students will present a piece of their home learning to the class at the end of the term.


I have tried to include a range of activities, some of which are time specific. If you wish to complete Christmas themed tasks later in the term, feel free. Home learning will be displayed in the corridor outside our classroom for the rest of the school to see.


I hope for home learning to be as enjoyable as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

I can’t wait to see your learning.

Home Learning Term Two

Time Table Rock Stars - Website link

Hope of Heaven (Christingle Song)

A beautiful song to help children learn what the Christingle represents.
We will be learning this song at school. It would be wonderful if children can practise at home.

BSL We wish you a Merry Christmas tutorial

In a time where singing is limited due to the current global climate, enjoy the spirit of Christmas through signing well loved Christmas Carols.

3 Times Tables - Have Fun Learning!

This term we will be focusing on learning our three times table. We will learn in a variety of ways. listening to this song at home - as well as practising on TTRockstars - can really help children's confidence.
