School Logo

Friday 22nd January

9am - 9:10: Arithmetic - Times tables


Do 10 minutes on Times tables Rock Stars - At the moment, the boys are winning! 

Can the girls catch up? Will the boys keep the lead? 

9:10am - 9:55am: Written methods

SPaG PowerPoint - Possessive Pronouns - Please use to help with the sheet below today

10am - 10:40am: SPaG (No Zoom Today)


Today's lesson is continuing our knowledge of pronouns: Possessive Pronouns. Follow the PowerPoint for support. 

11am - 12pm: English

In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences. The aim of this lesson is to develop a rich understanding of words associated with night time. 


Follow the link below for today's lesson.

1:15pm - 2:15pm: Music


I have emailed all your parents the log in details for music. Go to the following page and input your log in details and complete one of the activities set. 

2:15pm - 3:15pm: Reading

NO Afternoon Zoom

Either using Getepic website/app (Link) or your own reading book at home - write a short summary of what your book was about/what happened. If you have no book or it is difficult to get on to Getepic then continue to read our book in the PowerPoint below - chapter 3. 


As a class we have already read 100 books! Go Class 4


