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Modern Foreign Languages

French learning topic overview

Multicultural week

During Multicultural week, the whole school had the opportunity to explore languages and cultures (modern and ancient) from all across the world. We learned about the history, geography, languages, traditions, stories, food, clothing, music, art and dance of a huge range of global cultures. We were able to share and celebrate our own cultures with our classes helping us to understand that our diverse classes bring a wealth of cultural tradition and many special qualities to our school.

The week coincided with Lunar New Year, allowing us to celebrate traditions linked with the celebration. As a school we came together to create an art piece in the shape of a dragon with scales including characters for Peace, Love, Health, Good luck and Wealth.


The intention of the week was to help provide context for the children of a range of cultures; how those form integral parts of our global communities; how we communicate and the many languages spoken.


Throughout the week, in Reading and Writing lessons, we read and heard traditional stories, writing our own retellings and created factual reports. Our afternoon lessons were a chance to learn and celebrate differences and similarities in cultures and their traditions.

We displayed our learning on our class board in the school hall for everyone to see what we studied and celebrate our learning.

Celebrating our learning.

Our school dragon
