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Tuesday 9th February

9am - 9:10am - SPaG Questions


9:10am - 9:55am: English - Lesson 2


Continuing on with the story 'Escape from Pompeii'. In this lesson you will look at the story again, up level a sentence practice and plan you own version of the story. 


Follow the PowerPoint below.

10am - 10:35am: Morning Zoom - Safer Internet Day

11am - 12pm: Counting squares

12pm - 12:15pm: Times Tables Rockstars



Some help with your division and multiplication facts related to the number 48 using the factors of 6 and 8. 


Remember over these 15 minutes you need to complete at least 5 minutes of practice. Today I want you to do at one Sound Check and challenge at least one person on RockSlam



Don't forget to spend your money!


1pm - 1:30pm: Complete reading activities on LBQ: 


Follow the link below, enter the code and input your name. 

1.30 pm  Science lesson.

No zoom lesson this afternoon for science.

It has been a long term and I am extremely proud of all your science learning!

You are Science Super Stars!

Today I would like you to recap your understanding of volume and pitch by watching the two videos. The volume of a sound is how loud or quiet the sound is.


  • The pitch of a sound is how high or low the sound is. A high sound has a high pitch and a low sound has a low pitch.



The following assessment quiz is important because it helps me to know how you are getting on. You may have completed this last week, but if not please complete now. 


Purplemash Quiz

2Do list



With an adult - Design and make your own musical instrument!


You could make a rattle, a drum, a string or elastic band guitar, a straw oboe…the list is endless… research ideas to inspire you. Have fun!

Don’t forget to email work – I’m really looking forward to seeing your instruments.

  • Complete a labelled diagram of your design.

  • Label the materials used.

  • Label parts make the sound? (What vibrates to make the sound?)

  • How is the sound changed? (Can you change the pitch/volume?)

What improvements could you make?


2:45pm - 3:10pm: Afternoon Zoom - Share your reading
