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We are continuing to revise our sounds this term. Below are the videos for all the sounds we will be recapping this term. 

'gn' - I Don't Like Gnats

This is "I Don't Like Gnats" by MonsterPhonics

'wr' - Get Well Soon Song

'le' - The Boasting Uncles

This is "The Boasting Uncles" by MonsterPhonics

'el' - Travel to Fun Land

This is "Travel to Fun Land" by MonsterPhonics

'il' - Look for Fossils

This is "Look for Fossils.mp4" by MonsterPhonics

'al' - Pedal Forwards in Time

This is "Pedal Forwards in Time" by MonsterPhonics

'y' - Why Cry Lullaby

This is "Why Cry Lullaby" by MonsterPhonics

'al' - I am the tallest

'o' (u) - Nothing Like My Other Brother

This is "Nothing Like My Other Brother" by MonsterPhonics

'ey' - Monkey Boo

This is "Monkey Boo" by MonsterPhonics

'w-a' - Swapping Song

This is "Swapping Song" by MonsterPhonics

'w-or' - Worm Work

This is "Worm Work.mp4" by MonsterPhonics

'w-ar' - Tricky WItch Clues

's' (zsh) - Treasure on the Television

This is "Treasure on the Television" by MonsterPhonics
