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Wednesday 20th January


1.30 Join Mrs. Martin on Zoom


Last week we discussed the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival.

What are the three basic needs of animals for survival?


Starter Activity

Let’s practice a science skill – making careful observations


Think about the pictures above – how are they the same and how are they different

  • appearance
  • what they do
  • where they might be found

Decide which one is the odd one is out and discuss why.

Remember there is no wrong answer!


Today we are learning:

To know that animals cannot make their own food.


One of the things that make plants and animals living is that they need to take in food.

  • Why do you think living things need food?

to grow, to be healthy and to provide energy 


  •  ​What happens to humans’ overtime if they do not eat?


Draw a picture to show the different things that might happen to humans over time if they did not eat​. Remember to add labels to your science drawing. 

 (e.g. become hungry, become tired, get  grumpy, move around slowly, become ill, etc)

Deep thinking time -

·       Are plants living?

·       Have you ever seen a plant eating?

·       How does a plant get food?

Watch this video to learn more about how plants make their own food. Why do plants have leaves? - KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize  

Plants are the only living things that can make their own food by using their green leaves and the gases around, the sun and the water in the soil (photosynthesis).

 Extra Activity

Imagine that animals were like plants – i.e. they could make their own food. Think about how animals could take in gases (carbon dioxide), and how they could take in water without drinking.

Design an imaginary plant child/superhero that is able to make their food in this way.

Extension; what threats might your superhero plant child face to its survival?