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Good morning lovely Year 6. I hope you are all doing ok - and enjoying the learning we've been doing so far. Please do email me and let me know whether I need to change things or adapt them - I want to help you all as much as I can. See you in our Zoom calls.


Today's timetable looks like this:

These are suggested times (apart from the Zoom lessons), so fit your learning in when works best for you and your family.


Morning zoom session

Meeting ID: 976 5490 2076

Passcode: year6


Afternoon zoom session

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 1157 7444

Passcode: year6


Today we are starting a new unit of work based on an incredible  book - The Viewer.


As we only have our 2 Zoom calls a day, the teaching for these lessons will come from the Oak Academy lessons online. For each lesson, you will need to watch the video - and follow the instructions the teacher (Mr Brown) gives you. Pause the video to do the activities and then complete the independent work at the end of the lesson.


You will be making predictions about the text and discussing your initial impressions, focusing on the images in particular.


Write today's short date (13/01) in your home learning book and have a go at these arithmetic questions:

We're moving on today Year 6 - to multiplying fractions by integers (whole numbers). Watch the White Rose video - you can pause it as you are watching to have a go at joining in with the activities. When you get to the end, have a go at the work in your home learning book. You will need to have the worksheet open on a device in front of you and then do your working out and answering in the book. Once you have completed the task, you can use the answer sheet to mark your work before an adult emails me a picture of it. Good luck - and remember to email me if you have any questions.

Aut6.11.3 - Multiply fractions by integers


Log on to LBQ and have a go at the comprehension exercise. It's the 3rd part of our David Attenborough reading. The code today is:

Remember to use your full name (including surname) and your own chosen passcode to log in.

Afternoon lesson - Geography

Today's geography lesson is all about AVALANCHES.


You will be learning about what they are, how they are caused and how people cope with living and visiting in areas where they happen. 


Have a look at the PowerPoint presentation below which has lots of information about avalanches. If the YouTube videos I've put on the slides are not working, the links are also there for you to click on.

Your task:

Create a poster which could be displayed in Alpine holiday resorts in order to inform tourists what an avalanche is and how they are caused and also what steps people can take to protect themselves. You can include diagrams and facts - make it interesting to read as well as informative.


Good luck Year 6 - see you tomorrow.


Why Real Avalanches Aren't Like Cartoons

Avalanches 101 | National Geographic
